Event AI|4U in München

With more than 30 exciting trend and use cases lectures, the conference for artificial intelligence from 24 - 26 June offers you everything that is currently important in the field of AI and machine learning.
Processes are also changing from retailing to online trading. Due to the advancing automation, AI has become an essential success factor for every company in the field of e-commerce in building competitive advantages over other players. The decisive advantage lies in the superiority in the analysis of large amounts of data.
Conference about Artificial Intelligence:
Topic 1: Artificial intelligence in customer service
Experience with current supervised AI procedures has shown that they cannot be used efficiently in practice. The problem is the complex and time-consuming training of the data. A further aspect that blocks the use is the rigid behaviour. These AI systems cannot react dynamically to changes of external factors. They have to be trained manually again. In a constantly developing society and economy, with constantly new trends and motives, these immovable AI procedures are stuck. Newer unsuperviced methods try to solve these problems by aviod manual training. For this, however, very large amounts of data are necessary. A fact that excludes many medium-sized companies. The big challenge for developers of modern AI solutions is therefore to be able to work dynamically with small amounts of data. OMQ has specialized in processing small amounts of data right from the start. This means that there are no problems when implementing the system. The special feature of the OMQ system is that it has a self-learning knowledge base. The AI-based customer service software automatically answers customer requests in real time. This is realized by a global system that is integrated into all communication channels. Up to 80% of customer requests are intercepted. It does not matter, as an answering contact form, dynamic FAQ, self-answering e-mail system, supporting ticket system or chatbot. Other companies usually use many different isolated solutions. OMQ can be quickly and easily integrated into existing systems and infrastructures.
Speaker: Sven Engelmann, OMQ GmbH
Date: Montag, 24.06- 26.06.2018
Time: 08:00 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr
Location: Lilienthalallee 40, 80939 München
Organizer: Conference Artificial Intelligence - AI|4U