Impressions from Digital Gipfel 2018
OMQ Digital Gipfel 2018 - Main Topic Artificial Intelligenz

For two days, top politicians, economists, and various associations took part in discussions at the Digital Gipfel in Nuremberg. The main topic: Artificial intelligence as one of the keys to growth and prosperity.
Artificial intelligence is already being used by some companies and industries. In the years ahead, the German government wants to invest three billion euros in AI. And to what end? The plan is for Germany to become one of the world’s leading locations in research and application.
But how will society and the economy be changed by the AI strategy? And will Germany companies really be supported?
So-called key technologies, such as self-driving cars, virtual assistants, robots in health care or learning computers, will become a matter of course for us in the years to come. Like the use of smartphones, they will become a part of our everyday lives. However, most of these innovations consist of technologies and research from abroad. This is set to change.
Today in Nuremberg we will be giving the official go-ahead for the implementation of the German government’s AI strategy. We want to make ‘AI Made in Germany’ an internationally recognized brand. German Minister of Education and Research Anja Karliczek stated that Germany would use this strategy domestically and throughout Europe to set their engine for innovation in motion.
Also, a myriad of questions were asked by companies and ministries at the Digital Gipfel.
There is a concept for the AI strategy, but who will things move forward? Who is the target audience of “Made in Germany AI companies”? “Where does the money go and when will it be used?” asked Sven Engelmann, Managing Director of the software company OMQ GmbH.
But, no answers were given. The details have not yet been specified.
Tobias Kollmann, Chairman of the advisory board “Young Digital Economy” (BJDW) in the German Ministry of Economics and professor for entrepreneurship at the University of Duisburg-Essen, has criticized the approach:
I expect the AI strategy to be put into concrete terms at the Digital Summit. … It must now be clarified how the many announcements are to be implemented.
Artificial intelligence already finds use in everyday applications
Some of the technologies are already being used successfully today. Examples include so-called self-service systems on websites, as a messenger solution or in mobile apps. AI makes it possible to answer questions in real time. Emphasis is thereby placed on customer proximity and shopping experiences. The same applies to our systems.
We at OMQ GmbH are pioneers and forerunners in the field of artificial intelligence. For several years now, we have been researching and developing AI technology to improve customer service. During the two days in Nuremberg, we were present live together with the German E-Commerce and Distance Selling Trade Association (bevh) and had many interesting conversations and impressions. We hope that Germany will become a global “AI location” and that German companies and their technologies will receive more support.