NEW: OMQ´s beta chatbot on ChatGPT / GPT-4 level

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OMQ Contact

Real-time Answers for your Contact Form

OMQ Contact answers your service requests directly in the contact form. Your customers get an immediate answer and your customer service team does not have to reply manually. Just easily integrate OMQ Contact to your contact form.

Check Icon 14-day trial
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Over 100+ companies trust in OMQ

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10 min

Fastest integration
Setup within 10 minutes


GDPR compliant

Women with headset in a callcenter

Reduces requests and manual work of agents

Answer customer inquiries immediately with AI

Questions in the contact form are answered immediately with OMQ Contact, as OMQ's AI understands the intention of customer queries, no matter how the question is phrased. As a result, suitable answers are displayed, which means that the questions are not sent to customer service.

Our AI:

works out-of-the-box
is pre-trained and self-learning
supports 32 languages
gets better with every request

Answer customer inquiries immediately with AI

Data protection - always on the safe side

Our anonymization algorithm that removes all personal data, ensures that our AI software is data protection-compliant. Our software is developed and hosted in Germany.

Icon 100% GDPR compliant
Icon Developed in Germany
Icon Hosted in Germany

Data protection - always on the safe side

Fast integration

You can easily integrate the extension into your contact form within 10 minutes.

Badge Icon API: Copy two lines of source code on your website.
Badge Icon Plugin: Integrate OMQ Contact with a few clicks into your shop or your CMS system.
Schedule a free demo
OMQ Contact as a plugin

Reduce service requests significantly

Surprise your customers with an immediate response where they don't expect it. Not only will your customers love it but your team will also be happy about less tickets in the ticket system.

customers receive a response immediately
customer satisfaction increases
manual work is reduced
time and money are saved

Reduce service requests significantly

OMQ Support Team

Ready to start?
We are happy to support you!

Schedule a free demo
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The holistic system for your customer service

Automate processes and manage your service knowledge across all channels in real time

OMQ Automator Product
OMQ Automator Automate Your Service Processes

With OMQ Automator, you can now automate processes that normally involve a lot of manual work.

Explore Automator
OMQ Knowledge Database Product
OMQ Knowledge Database All Channels - One Knowledge Base

With the central knowledge database, you can answer your customers questions more efficiently on all channels.

Explore Knowledge Database

We improve customer service of 100+ leading companies.

Customer Logo
Customer Logo
Customer Logo
Customer Logo
Customer Logo
Customer Logo
Customer Logo
Customer Logo
Customer Logo

Self-answering Contact Form for Every Industry

With the help of OMQ Contact, we support our customers from all industries to provide the best customer service around the clock, increase customer satisfaction and relieve the service team.

Icon e-commerce sector E-Commerce
Icon energy sector Energy
Icon insurance Insurance
Icon education sector Education
Icon travel sector Travel
Icon software sector Software
Icon financial services Finance
Icon transport sector Transport
Icon industry sector Industry

Start your free trial now

Create a free test account now in just a few steps

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