Globetrotter: New Horizon in Customer Service with AI technology
As an e-commerce retailer, Globetrotter uses the latest scientific technologies to positively change the service in the online shop.
Industry: E-commerce
Customer since: May 2016
Region: Germany
Employees: 1300
Summary: The Globetrotter Ausrüstungs GmbH based in Hamburg and with eleven German locations, making Globetrotter one of the largest outdoor distributor in Europe.
OMQ Contact in use
“Go hand in hand with the customers and create the best customer experience“ is one of Globetrotter Ausrüstungs GmbH main goals. In the stationary trade, the outdoor giant already scores points through its experience branches, with a gigantic selection of products, such as climbing walls, ants' states as well as wind and rain chambers. It’s just natural for an omni-channel retailer such as Globetrotter to also deliver the best customer experience online. Last year Globetrotter launched the new online shop. Not only the design changed but it also has a lot of great new services.
The online shop, especially the customer service page, uses the newest technology tool from OMQ. OMQ Contact is already in use. The next step is integrating OMQ Help in the online shop.
With the relaunching of their new website at the end of the year, not only the layout was changed but also the shop now offers a variety of new services. Globetrotter customer service department for their online shops is now equipped with the latest technology from OMQ. As of today, OMQ Contact is already successfully implemented. Additionally, there are already plans for the integration of OMQ Help.
The company integrated successfully OMQ Contact at the beginning of 2016. Thanks to the short 4-step integration guide, the OMQ Contact has been quickly and easily implemented on the Globetrotter website. The JavaScript file reloads dynamically.

Globetrotter creates positiv customer experience
The contact form on the website answers customer requests automatically in real time. The intelligent knowledge base provides the relevant information and creates unified customer communications. Through the reduction of requests volume, the agents in customer service department saw their manual work being lightened at the same time
With the new structure in customer services area, Globetrotter succeeds by inspiring its customers and thereby increases the customer experience in the entire online shop. The positive experience is done through the 24/7 support, even when their customers don’t expect it.
Since using OMQ Contact on our website, more than 50 % of our customer requests are answered automatically. The integration was completed within one day and the system immediately solved requests.
Free trial version
With only little effort you can reduce your service volume by half.
14-day trial
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Can be cancelled at any time