Hörmann: Intelligent customer service via app and website
The international Hörmann Group integrates a uniform system for customer support
Industry: Industry
Customer since: May 2014
Region: Worldwide
Employee: over 6,000
Sales: over EUR 1 billion
The worldwide producer Hörmann KG is Europe's leading provider for doors and gates.
OMQ Contact in use
The Hörmann-Group is Europe’s leading provider of doors, gates, frames and drive trains. Since the founding in 1935, more than 15 million gates were produced and delivered worldwide. Furthermore, more than 6,000 employees develop and produce valuable gates, doors, frames and drive trains for the use in private and commercial property. The products are made in 27 specialised factories in Europe, North America and Asia.
It was important for the international company to use a cross-national system. In addition, the system had to be simple and easy to control and meet all the requirements of the group. Hörmann opted for OMQ's technology after an invitation to tender and still uses the AI-based knowledge base as of today.
With the BiSecure-App, which was developed by the brand leader of gate technology, it is possible to control drive trains of garage doors, entrance gates, front doors, lights and further devices with a smartphone or tablet. Even a status request is possible, for example, the door position, locking status of a front door or whether the lighting is turned on. Questions, which might arise during use can be answered automatically by connecting directly to the OMQ Contact in the app. The inquiring customer immediately receives the correct answer when entering the request. This increases the service level in an otherwise difficult scope of application.

OMQ provided support for the responsible team during the integration process and for the optimal layout. The smaller display area meant an adaptation of the normal functions. The graphic elements were designed to help the users find easily a solution in the app with the aid of similar intuitive processes.
As a worldwide manufacturer of doors and gates, we have established a digital customer dialogue through OMQ. Our customer requests are answered in real time.
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